Green Shipping
The shipping software solutions that promotes
green shipping while saving you money... |
Shipping Resources

Smart RateBots™ Save Money and
Decrease Your Company's Carbon Footprint!
With CPS Smart RateBots you can not only take real-time,
best price
control of time-guaranteed carrier services, but you can also
implement an automatic shipping system that minimizes your company's
carbon impact for the carrier services you choose. This can save
you money and stimulate sales as many of today's shoppers are very
concerned about our environment.
It is a fact that using
CPS Smart RateBots can save you
shipping costs and give you the tools to use the shipping service with
the least environmental impact while you save.
For example, let's say you decide to offer 2 day delivery
times to all your customers that visit your on-line store. CPS
Smart RateBots can be set to use ground services for all of the ZIP
codes that have a 2 day or less guaranty for ground
services and use only carriers' express 2 day service for those
shipments out of that delivery area. Once the right service is
found, CPS Smart RateBots can then rate shop to find the best service and price to ship every
package using the greenest carrier service possible.
All automatically! This means that you can offer your shoppers
green alternatives that deliver timely results.
It has been stated that energy costs associated with a
product rises from 6 to 28 percent when the mode of transport shifts
from ground to air. CPS Smart RateBots help lower this impact
For more on CPS Smart RateBots click here...

Shipping Room Ideas
to Decrease Your Carbon Footprint
Shipping packages without having an environmental
impact is impossible but a responsible company can greatly reduce
their impact. Here are a few ways to start shipping greener
Use CPS Multi-Carrier Shipping Software with
Smart RateBots,
Verification Module (AVM) and other money
saving green software tools to optimize shipping automation.
Be sure
to recycle your shipping boxes and packing materials. Reuse
shipping containers and boxes as often as possible.
Use thermal labels, electronic data transfer and
barcode technology instead of plastic pouches with paper printed
documents and address labels when shipping packages.
Use and
promote the recycling of Dupont Tyvek mail envelopes like those
used by the U.S. Postal Service. Call 1-866-33-TYVEK and ask
about Dupont's pouch program for recycling
Tyvek envelopes.
Packing peanuts do not have much recycling potential, but they can
be reused, which is even better. When you receive them from
others, save them and reuse them for the things you ship. When you
purchase packaging peanuts use the ones made from vegetable
starch. They are much better for the environment and much easier
to get rid of. If you have more than you can use, unwanted
clean packing peanuts are accepted at 1,500 packaging stores
around the US. The Plastic Loosefill Council’s Peanut Hotline can
give you names of local businesses that will accept unused packing
peanuts. Many Pack'NShip business like UPS Stores or
FedEx Kinko's will also accept them.
When you purchase new boxes or packing materials
try to use those made of recycled materials.
Reuse boxes when ever possible. For a new box
look, you can even remove the labels or tape from a box.
Followed by breaking open the bottom seams and side seam.
Then refold the box inside out and secure the seams with packing
tape. You can also use old bubble wrap, packing peanuts,
tissue paper, boxes, crumbled newspaper and magazine pages for
packing material.
To save money on shipping costs and reduce
environmental impact always use the smallest size box necessary
with the least amount of packing material.
Use biodegradable packing peanuts, recycle paper,
news papers, packing materials made from potato
or corn starch when ever available. Try not to use new
bubble wrap or Styrofoam packing peanuts and they are a petroleum
derived product and cannot be recycled.
Small changes can make a
world of difference!

How does using CPS help you join other green companies and save money at
the same time?
All versions of Harvey Software's
Computerized Parcel System (CPS) can help you practice
energy-wise smart shipping. "How" you ask? To
CPS uses
specialized features to automate the best way to ship your products
with money saving features like
Smart RateBots™,
Cut’N Ship®,
Calculator, Flat Rate Shipping Charge Calculator, and many more.
These standard features of CPS help optimize shipping methods for green
results while
reducing costs.
In addition to standard features of CPS, low
cost options like the Address Verification Module (AVM) will
automatically correct addresses as you ship. When you ship to the
wrong address you are wasting energy resources to get the package to the
right location, or even worse, having it returned. The AVM insures
your package goes to the correct address and saves you additional
carrier charges.
You can use CPS to control the
environmental impact of shipping your products. CPS can be
tailored through the use of
RateBots to ship by the least cost
method and also control the
environmental shipping costs of the methods you chose.
For example, choosing ground shipping instead of air for your shipping lets you choose a green smart way shipping method over more energy consuming methods whenever
Harvey Software plans to continue to develop ways CPS can help
environmental companies practice
green logistics.

Introduction to Harvey Software's Green Efforts
Harvey Software believes very strongly in
seeking better ways to do business. Green concepts are not new to
Harvey Software as we have always
delivered high quality
shipping software solutions that provide maximum efficiency,
reliability, and accountability.
In our efforts to continue to deliver outstanding solutions, we have
re-examined our use of energy, transportation, and the materials used to
market and deliver our products. We feel every business should
take their impact on the environment
seriously. We are
happy to say that our efforts have uncovered many areas where we have
been able to greatly improve. This has in turn lowered our costs of
doing business while delivering the products outlined by our mission
statement. We are proud to say that today we offer low cost
shipping products that can help you practice green shipping methods along
with saving you time and money like never before.
How have Harvey Software's Green efforts saved you money?
One of the first areas we worked to improve
was to switch to Internet distribution of our product, marketing
and documentation. In December of 2006, we
stopped using CDs and printed manuals. We now completely distribute
all of our products and documentation over the Internet. This has
turned out to not only reduce costs of distribution and materials but
has also allowed us to deliver products and updates with ease and in the
greenest possible fashion. Changes like this are not only good for
the company but also reduce our dependence
on unnecessary materials that waste energy and use oil, paper and other
important resources.
However, switching to Internet product
distribution was only the beginning. Starting in 2007 we
made many company wide changes that continue today. We have decreased our use of
electricity by nearly 50% by changing all of our lights, rearranging our
staff for more efficiency, and upgrading to more energy efficient
equipment. This has both lowered our costs and allowed us to
increase our service offerings to our customers by switching to better
equipment and rethinking what we do. These are areas where we continue to make changes that should yield even
greater efficiencies more and more every day. And we plan to fully pass our increased
efficiencies and cost savings to our valued customers.

Other Green Shipping
Resources - They provide a Consumer
Shipping Score Card for all the carriers supported by CPS. This
help you to determine climate footprint of the carriers you use.
( - They provide a one-stop shop for
information concerning your company's environmental impact and give you
ideas on reusing and recycling your company's trash.
Environmental Defense - Partners with
businesses, governments and communities to find practical environmental
solutions. (
Environmental News Network -
Environmental news. (
FedEx - FedEx recognizes that their impact
is greater than the services they provide. FedEx is committed to a thoughtful steward of the environment and
being a
caring citizen in the communities where they do business. FedEx
is passionate about sustainably connecting people and places and
improving the quality of life around the world. (
Global Green USA - An organization works with governments,
industry, and individuals to create a global value shift toward a
sustainable and secure future. (
GreenBiz - Daily News and Resources
on Green Business, Sustainable Practices, Environmental Innovation. (
Grist - Environmental news and
commentary. (
Plastic Loose Fill Council - The Peanut Hotline is
America's most successful packaging reuse program. Consumers call the
Hotline, 800-828-2214, or visit this website, for the nearest location
that accepts plastic loose fill, or packing peanuts, for reuse.
Sierra Club - Environmental
organization. (
SmartWay (EPA) - The United States
Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay Transport Program. (
SustainableBusiness - They provides
global news and networking services to help green business grow,
covering all sectors: renewable energy, green building, sustainable
investing, and organics. (
TreeHugger - A good source for all types of green news and ideas.
UPS - UPS operates more than 94,000 vehicles, over
1,800 facilities and is among the world's top 10 airlines. UPS embraces
their leadership role by developing sustainable transport options. With
their transportation imprint being very large and they take their
responsibility seriously so as to minimize their impacts in any way they
can. (
USPS - The United States Postal Service (USPS) has
been planet friendly for a long time. They employ alternative
fuel-capable vehicles by the thousands. They utilize Eco-friendly
products and practice recycling. ( - They provide low-cost,
earth-friendly recycled shipping boxes. (

Harvey Software, Inc. is a privately held and
funded Florida corporation. All questions concerning legal issues,
corporate ownership, business direction and/or administration of Harvey
Software should be mailed to:
Harvey Software, Inc.
7370 College Pkwy, Ste 214
Fort Myers, FL 33907

Lee County Florida Ordinance # 07-25 makes
recycling mandatory for businesses. Proudly Harvey Software, along with
the efforts of its employees, exceeds these requirements.